Thursday, February 14, 2008

To the guy who broke into my car...

Some of you may remember my blog post a while back about the guy who tried to steal my previous car (with the dead battery!)

Well, last night someone broke into my current car, they smashed the rear window in and unlocked the doors. If you have any idea of WHO did this, would you please ask them: "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TAKE?!?!"

Everything is still in my car.
What the hell?

My CD collection? Still there.
My Tools: Check
My PRESCRIPTION PAIN KILLERS: Still lying on the back seat.
My Checkbook: Not one check missing.
So, what the hell dude?
And why did you leave your sock with the roll of pennies in it lying next to my car? Can't you reuse those things? I'm no professional, but I'd think 'sock with roll of pennies' has more than one use in it.
Many of you may think I'm joking here. I'm completely serious. What the hell did you take?????

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